
Jon Schwartz squid photo on cover of academic journal

Being in the right place at the right time sure can pay off! When I went kayak fishing last summer in Southern California for white seabass, a giant school of squid appeared at the surface. I dove in with my camera and lucked out with some amazing underwater squid photos.

My squid pictures made the front page of the San Diego Union Tribune, were featured in the Audobon Magazine,  Dive Photo Guide, and numerous major websites. I was even featured on TV (click on the below clip to see that). Not bad for a chance encounter!

My luck continued when Oxford University Press's London bureau contacted me and asked to use one of my squid photos for the cover of their scientific publication Journal of Molluscan Studies. What a gas! I can't make much sense of what they talk about inside the book because it's very technical, but I'm flattered that such smart people liked my squid pics.

If you want to read the entire story with more photos, check out this article here.

1 comment:

Altax said...

Excellent shots and wonderful photos.

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