
Amazing Fishing Photos

Fishing photography has become something of an obsession for me. I used to spend a lot of time trying to catch fish on hook and line, usally from kayaks, but now it's all about capturing their glory on camera! Above you see me taking a photo of a jumping sailfish in Guatemala. They are known for their spectacular leaps and I thought getting up close and personal might provide me with a good vantage point. Below is a female mahi mahi, or dorado. Not the most cooperative species for photos!
Below here we have the magnificent blue marlin, close quarters! I strove to get a head on photograph. I had to head it off at the pass to do so, and then we both veered off at the last moment...
I'll post some more goodies later today: I have to get ready for my first day of teaching school this year. I teach elementary school in Oceanside, CA. If you haven't read the account of how the press boat that I was on in Hawaii hooked into two giant marlin, check out the story here:


Kris said...

this has been a LOT of fun to read. I found you via Yahoo and enjoy your work very much.

Fiskarn said...

I love the photos and I´m really jealous on your clear water and I understand there is huge amount of work behind .

Flights to Kathmandu said...

I can't think of anything that excites a greater sense of childlike wonder than to be in a country where you are ignorant of almost eveything.